Adapted from the prayer attributed to St. Francis by Rev. Laura Marie Piotrowicz
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is gender based violence, let me be an agent for change.
Where there is hatred, place me as a barrier to prevent abuse.
Where there is injury, let me accompany the hurt towards places of healing.
Where there is doubt, open my mind to receive the stories of the oppressed.
Where there is despair, let me advocate for safe spaces.
Where there is darkness, let me stand with other allies to bring the light of your peace – for evil cannot live in the light.
Where there is sadness, let me move with others to overcome that which causes grief.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may practice compassion without judgement;
To understand the systemic challenges enough to be stirred into action for equality;
To work for a world where love does not hurt.
For in helping our beloved in Christ we see the fullness of humanity;
In accompanying the vulnerable we receive companionship;
In working for gender equality we see the promise of your grace in this life and the next.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, an agent for change, an advocate for gender justice.