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CSW60 EW Parallel Events


Begin your days in worship, and join EW in a number of our parallel events during CSW60!

Don’t miss out on the following:

Daily: 8:00 AM   Ecumenical Women Morning Worship @ CCUN Chapel

March 14th, 2016

-12:10 PM UNCSW Opening Eucharist, Episcopal Church Center, Chapel

-1:00 PM “Developing a Common Feminist Faith Discourse to Achieve Gender Equality”,  Baha’i Centre

-6:15 PM “Engaging Men of Faith to be Champions in the Fight to End Sexual and Gender-Based Violence” CCUN, Boss Room

-6:15 PM “Breaking Cycles of Poverty through Education: Models from Presbyterian Churches” CCUN, 10th floor

-7:00 PM “Unbind and Let Go: Mobilizing Faith Communities to Combat Human Trafficking” Church of the Incarnation, 209 Madison Ave

March 15th, 2016 

-8:30 AM “Striking to our Goals: Scholars and Donors as Agents on Women’s Empowerment and Sustainable Development”, CCUN, Boss Room

-10:30 AM “Empowering Women to End Hunger”, CCUN, 2nd floor

-12:30 PM “Forced Migration, Human Trafficking, and Child Armies: How ISIL is Exploiting the Conflict in the Middle East”, CCUN Chapel

March 16th, 2016 

-10:30 AM “How Will You Join Rural Women in Implementing SDGs?” CCUN, 2nd floor

-11:30 AM “Engaging Faith Communities to Implement SDGs” UN Conference Room A

-12:30 PM “Faith at the Crossroads of Sustainable Development and Sustained Gender-Based Violence” CCUN, 10th floor

-4:30 PM “Sustainable Development: The Powertool for Women and Girls” The Salvation Army, 221 E 52nd St., Auditorium

6:00 PM    Ecumenical Women Advocacy Dinner – CCUN, 2nd floor 

March 17th, 2016 

-8:30 AM “Empowering Women Refugees for Successful Integration into the United States Society through Quality Education” CCUN, Boss Room

-8:30 AM “Changemakers – Leadership Strategies to Increase Maternal Health Awareness, Education and Improve Outcomes of Pre/Post Pregnancy Care” CCUN, 10th floor

-10:30 AM “Empowering Women in Migration: Development Justice and Government Accountability for SDGs” CCUN, 2nd floor

-10:30 AM “Women’s Leadership in the Korea Peace Process” CCUN, Boss room

-10:30 AM “Women, Peace, Security and Sustainable Development” TCC, room 21

-2:10 PM UNCSW Eucharist, Episcopal Church Center, Chapel

March 18th, 2016 

-10:30 AM “Women and Urbanization: Celebrating their Leadership in Ensuring Sustainable Development” CCUN, 2nd floor

-6:15 PM “Women of Faith Leading Change” CCUN, Boss room

March 21st, 2016 

-12:30 PM “Feminist Theological Resources for Engaging Gender-Based Violence” CCUN, 10th floor

March 22nd, 2016 

-12:30 PM “Women, Drugs and Development” CCUN, Hardin room

-4:30 PM “The Dynamics and Challenges of Assisting Human Trafficking Survivors to Take Control of their Lives through the Combined Efforts of NGOs and Governmental Agencies” CCUN, Hardin room

March 23rd, 2016

-12:10 PM UNSCW Closing Eucharist, Episcopal Church Center, Chapel

6:00 PM Ecumenical Women Advocacy Dinner – CCUN, 2nd floor 

March 24th, 2016

-12:10 PM UNCSW Closing Eucharist @The Episcopal Church Center, Chapel



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