Written by Dr. Chiseche Mibenge, Episcopal Relief & Development

People living with HIV/AIDS experience discrimination. They have an unemployment rate three times higher than national averages, and women living with HIV experience significantly higher rates of intimate-partner violence than women that do not have the virus.
Siempre Unidos is a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Honduras supported by Episcopal Relief & Development that focuses on clinical and community-based services, advocacy and outreach for people living with HIV and communities vulnerable to infection as a result of their marginalization, such as commercial sex workers, incarcerated populations and transgender youth.
On Day 7 of the #16Days, Episcopal Relief & Development’s toolkit for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence raises awareness of World AIDS Day, and invites faith communities to learn more about Siempre Unidos ministry to combat AIDS, and violence and other forms of gender based discrimination, and (ii) join global activists commemorating World AIDS Day by wearing a red ribbon, the universal symbol of awareness and support for people living with HIV.